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The Spirit of Malvern

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Earlybird entry until February 17th.


"The Spirit of Malvern" en plein air  competition prizes 2025

Artist opt to enter the Semi-professional and Professional competition or the Amateur competition. Artists must provide proof of permanent residential status to be considered for the WR postcode prize but this aspect is judged across both categories.


The very best of luck to you all and we are excited to see what you produce on the day!

Semi-professional and Professional Artists Prizes
"The Spirit of Malvern" Artist Prize £1100

Runner Up £500 
Best Urban Scene £120
Best Landscape £120
Best Wildcard £120
WR Local Postcode Prize
across BOTH categories for all participating artists who live in a WR postcode area
The WR Postcode prize £500 
Amateur Artists Prizes
Winner of the Malvern Amateur Artis of the Year  £500 

Best Urban Scene £100
Best Landscape £100
Best Wildcard £100
 The Spirit of Malvern en plein air painting competition will take place on 5th May Bank Holiday Monday 2025
The enthusiasm of our sponsors means it will be a BIGGER and extended event in 2025...with more prizes.

1. Artists self identify* as
Amateur or Semi-professional /Professional
2. Buy the corresponding online ticket from Ticketsource
(see links in boxes above and below)
Early-bird rates available for limited period ending Feb 17th
3. Arrive at the registration 7.30am-9am at Malvern Theatres front
(Grange Rd, WR14 3HB)
4.Get your artwork surface rear stamped as proof of authenticity
(you may have more than one surface stamped but only one entry per ticket)
5. Choose your location in the Malvern area and start to paint! 
6. Finished artworks must be back at Malvern Theatres STRICTLY by 2.30pm
(Malvern Theatres, Grange Rd, Gt Malvern, WR14 3HB)
7. Artists to bring and use their own easel to display their artwork
(see FAQ's) in the pop-up exhibition in the
amateur exhibition or the semi-professional/professional rooms. Stewards will check your stamp and help you set up in the correct area safely.
8. Judging will take place 2.30pm-3.30pm
The judges are independent from the organisers. 
9. At 3.45-4pm prizes awarded -
PLEASE gather in the forum and NOT on the stairs to hear the results.
10. Pop-Up exhibitions commence directly after the awards.
Please allow stewards to direct you safely to the rooms.
Exhibitions close at 5pm 

Earlybird entry until Feb17th (£30 and £20)
Full price entry £35 and £25 after this date.

Meet the 2025 judges

Creatives Connect Malvern are delighted to introduce you to our The Spirit of Malvern  judges for 2025.

FAQ's and things to consider before the day

PLEASE READ the information below. If your question is not answered then please reach out to us!


Who can take part?

The competitions are open to all adult artists both local and national at every level. Artists self identify their entry point (as semi-professional/professional or amateur) and buy a ticket.

See links above to our Ticketsource.


Can I sell my artwork at the Pop-up exhibition?


We really hope that you will offer your artwork for sale at the pop-up exhibition.

The competition takes place, as it did last year, on a busy day in Malvern, with the Water Festival and Well Dressing plus the family fun day in Priory Park.

We hope that there will be many potential customers. We know lots of artists sold last year.

You will be given a slip to complete to let visitors know the price plus add your contact telephone number so that any buyer can call or message you. If you sell your piece before the exhibition as a 'work in progress' you must still bring it along to the pop-up you will remain eligible for prizes. We take no commission and you make your own arrangements for payment.


Do I really need an easel?

Yes please!

Even if you do not work on an easel, each artist must bring an easel to display their own work at the pop-up exhibition. We do not have the facility  to show work in any other way.

Thank you for your cooperation in this aspect  in advance.


INSURANCE - do I need it?

Yes. In common with all other artists events each artist must have PPL insurance. you will be "free range" in the Malvern area, mixing with the intrigued public and responsible for your equipment. You will also be responsible for the safety of your displaying easel in the ops-up exhibition. Insurance is very easily obtained from organisations such as those listed below

Alternatively some artist find they have cover on their existing house insurance. It is your responsibility and we ask you to confirm you have cover at time of your ticket purchase.

​a-n insurance    SAA 


What happens at Registration?

Artist register from 7.30am-9am. Show a copy of your online purchased ticket and get your numbered ticket , WR postcode ribbon (if applicable) and artwork price label to complete for the pop-up exhibition. Next artists  have their support (paper/canvas/board etc) stamped as proof of  'on the day' artwork and you are all set to begin.

NB The 2.30pm deadline for completed artwork is non negotiable.


Where can I paint?

​ANYWHERE  in and around the Malvern Hills area that you can reach and then make it back from, to arrive at Malvern Theatres and set up by the 2.30pm deadline.

What does The Spirit of Malvern mean to you? Show us in your artwork! 

PLEASE REMENBER that this event is an en plein air event  and not for studio artwork. Working outdoors alongside fellow artists, making new friends and enjoying working spontaneously in the elements is all part of the fun!

Heading home to work indoors is not in the spirit of the event at all.


What's the wildcard prize?



Please follow us on Facebook or INSTAGRAM....Post about your involvement and show your followers what a great place Malvern is!


FB CreativesConnect Malvern 

We are all volunteers and will have lots to do but we aim to mutually support and promote as many participants and sponsors as possible. NB that you will have given permission to be photographed and your artwork, at online ticket purchase which may be used to promote this or future events,  

THANK YOU to John O'neil for his article in The Artist magazine about taking part in our first event in 2024.


Are the timings flexible?

Timings will be adhered to by the organisers.

As last year, we will aim for a short slick registration period for artists to then allow adequate painting time WHICH ENDS with paintings FULLY INSTALLED in Malvern Theatres for judging at 2.30pm.

Please support us in keeping to this timetable.

An en plein air is a fun but tiring day for artists. Those who have travelled to our beautiful town from afar â€‹will have long journeys to make after the pop-up exhibition ends so the end of the day will be the end.

Are you a visual  artist who doesn't draw or paint...but does something else? This is the category for you! (sculpture/print/textiles...etc?)

Surprise us with something unusual but please make sure what you do is made on site and en plein air on the day like other entries and PLEASE NOTE note that digital media are not accepted this year. You must also display the piece on your own easel/plinth etc.


What about the British weather?

The event will go ahead whatever the weather. PLEASE CONSIDER THE WIND and ensure that all easels and equipment are secured and cannot blow away and injure anyone. Beware also of causing a trip hazard.

Creatives Connect members will be able to advise you of suitable sheltered painting spots should it be wet on the day. Please come prepared to be outdoors for some hours.

Luckily we are assured of a dry pop-up exhibition and awards ceremony in Malvern Theatres where there are also toilets and refreshments.



CCM aspire to increase the cash prizes by approximately 10% annually until we reach a main prize of £2000.🤞

Am I an Amateur or Semi-professional/Professional artist?

Artists select the competition which you feel most comfortable entering! There are no set rules but it may help to consider... Do you exhibit regularly? hold art qualifications? Are you studying at undergraduate level or above? Do you hold a degree in art or related field? sell work? make a partial or full income from you art? Maybe you are professional or semi professional entry?

OR are you a student? enthusiastic amateur? hobby artist? New or returning artist? Paint for fun or relaxation? Maybe you are an amateur entry? 


What's the WR Postcode Prize?

Creatives Connect Malvern aims to provide opportunities for artists across the arts to link with new audiences and new venues in the Malvern Hills area. To encourage our local visual artists to join the event we have an award exclusively for WR postcode residents. This year it will be judged across BOTH categories. Art from local artists will be identified by a yellow ribbon to fasten their ticket to their easel at the judging and Pop-up exhibition. 



You can park at all day at

Priory Rd Noth WR14 3DS

Priory Rd South WR14 3DS

Victorian Rd WR14 2TD

ALTERNATIVELY many streets in Malvern are still suitable for all day parking.

Malvern has two stations but Gt Malvern station is the closest to the event. 

​Malvern has public toilet blocks at - Grange Rd carpark (close to the registration point). Also at Edith Walk, Barnard's Green and on the Hills at The Wyche Pass and St Ann's Well. 

Later on in the day the Theatre has a cafe and facilities.



If you have a question about the day please message us would probably be faster to DM via our Instagram account. You may email us but as our inbox is not routinely monitored we may be some time sending you a relet as we are all volunteers. Thank you 

Our sponsors in 2025

We thank our wonderful sponsors without whom it would not be possible to bring you this event.

We also thank all the volunteer members of Creatives Connect Malvern who have collectively contributed with their time, expertise and enthusiasm.​​



Great Malvern, Worcestershire - event venue for REGISTRATION & EXHIBITION 
Malvern Theatres
Grange Road
WR14 3HB

The Spirit of Malvern En Plein Air Painting Competition 2024

Bank Holiday May 6th

Last year the pop-up exhibition was overwhelmingly popular with over 400 visitors coming through the doors to see the amazing art-work on display.Creatives Connect founder Kirsty Cubberly ​


“The very nature of the Malvern's has always attracted creative people, inspiring great writers, musicians and dramatists. Today, we are seeing a groundswell of energy to build on this artistic legacy, we want to ensure that the historic association between Malvern and the Arts is reconnected through the community, local venues and new audiences. At CCM, we are harnessing that energy and ambition, supporting our local creatives, and encouraging participation. The CCM network already includes more than 130 members, share ideas and information, and support one another.”


​Watch the video to view some of the entries and to see who won the competition LAST YEAR.


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