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The Spirit of Malvern En Plein Air Art Competition

Monday 6th May with a popup exhibition 4.30-5.30pm in Malvern Theatres

The Spirit of Malvern Open Air painting competition for ticketed artists set out into the town and hills to seek inspiration. The works of art they created were displayed in a ‘pop-up’ public exhibition in the Circle Bar at Malvern Theatres. A panel of judges, including Sky Arts Landscape Artist of the Year, Tom Voyce and local artists, Brian Gorst (painter, teacher, writer) and Maureen Gamble (artist, printer, lecturer, writer) awarded first prize of £1000, second prize of £350, a ‘local artist only’ award of £450 and £100 Best Landscape, Urban and Wildcard awards. Four paintings were also highly recommended. The atmosphere at the Pop-up exhibition was electric with over 400 visitors coming through the doors to see the amazing art-work on display.


CreativesConnect Malvern (CCM) was founded in 2023, by theatre director and coach Kirsty Cubberley, as a focal point for artists of all genres to generate ideas, stimulate events and encourage participation.

“The very nature of the Malvern's has always attracted creative people, inspiring great writers, musicians and dramatists”, says Kirsty Cubberley. “Today, we are seeing a groundswell of energy to build on this artistic legacy, we want to ensure that the historic association between Malvern and the Arts is reconnected through the community, local venues and new audiences. At MCC, we are harnessing that energy and ambition, supporting our local creatives, and encouraging participation. The MCC network already includes more than 130 members, who meet regularly, share ideas and information, and support one another.”


Watch the video to view some of the entries and to see who won the competition.

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Malvern Theatre invite CreativesConnect Malvern to bring their first
En Plein Event into the Theatre


Creatives Connect are very pleased to announce that Malvern Theatres supported their Art event. Fred Moroni, Executive Director, was delighted to invite the artists to display their final pictures in the upstairs bar of the theatre for judging and afterwards for members of the public to come and view the works of art in a pop-up exhibition.

‘We would like to thank Malvern Theatres for welcoming our event inside, removing all possibility of rain affecting the judging” said Kim Whitby, Artistic Director of this year's competition and member of CreativesConnect Malvern.  


We are delighted by your interest and ongoing support of the creative arts in Malvern. Creatives Connect would like to thank all our sponsors, who have supported this new event from the very beginning: 


Why are we running an
open air painting event?

Malvern's 'I Paint Today' - En Plein Air Competition

Dame Laura Knight - I Paint Today.

Saturday 13 January - Sunday 30 June 2024, Worcester City Art Gallery and Museum.

Dame Laura Knight (1877-1970); one of the most significant and prolific painters of the 20th century and the first fully elected female member of the Royal Academy. She was a great celebrity in her time, frequently visitor and painter of Malvern and en plein air artist. In 2024 she is to be celebrated in a retrospective exhibition ‘Dame Laura Knight - I Paint Today’ at Worcester City Art Gallery and Museum; a significant event for Worcestershire but for logistical reasons this exhibition is unable to take place in Dame Laura’s beloved Malvern.


How can Malvern mark this national but local event too?

Malvern plans to mark Dame Laura Knight’s retrospective exhibition and her many painting visits here by holding an en plein air painting competition event for both national and local artists. It is an opportunity for Malvern to attract national en plein air artists to the town and hills, to experience what Dame Laura Knight enjoyed, and rediscover Malvern’s artistic history.

Malvern is a great location as a contemporary arts destination for artists to visit, as well as inspiration for our own resident artist community.



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